In the midnight garden
Well, almost. It was quarter to midnight when I took this! The camera, on the gorillapod, perched on top of the stone elephant, shooting into the garden (the camera, not the elephant). Desperation blip forced from me being busy and not prioritising my blip!!!
Long day of marking coursework again.
In work tomorrow - things to be done that I can't do at home. Well, not without screaming at my computer anyway.
Back to our room now to finish sorting the laundry mountain out.
Yes, I know, it is nearly half past midnight. But the clothes fairy has gone to bed so I guess I will have to put the four baskets of clean clothes away.
- 0
- 0
- Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
- 100
- f/32.0
- 380000mm
- 200
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