Man and his jeep

What a great vehicle. Open top with just the windscreen you can see. Must be a cool ride at this time of year.

I think its 46 years old. The owner kindly agreed to having his photo taken in it and blipped on my journal today. Sadly I didn't get his name or email. He was clearly proud of his jeep, looks after it and previously owned one in South America. Interestingly he said it's cheaper to run than a car.

I've plodded along today and I'm glad I had the day off. Not having eaten much all week I don't have a lot of energy but the house is now clean and tidy, and I'm almost up to date with washing. It feels like sanctuary and where I can relax and entertain this long weekend.

My GP was lovely and supportive. No answers (I didn't expect any) but plenty of reassurance. I have a couple of things to help me manage. This weekend I'll make some decisions about elimination diets. She will support me in this.

We have a 3 day weekend - Queens Birthday Weekend. It's hard get excited about a monarch on the other side of the world but I'll gladly take the holiday. Hopefully I'll have some fun and rediscover my blip mojo.

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