Country File

By marypot


It's the village fair this weekend and things got off to a nice start this afternoon with a free arts and crafts session for little ones in the marquee. Grace painted a mug for Daddy, made a bead bracelet and decorated a little box with a butterfly pattern on the lid. She then had her face painted in a beautiful butterfly design. It was the first time that she'd had it done, so I recorded it for posterity! Later in the afternoon, we caught the beginning of the kids' disco and Grace had a bit of a boogie before crashing out. Ophelia got hungry and tired at the same time, so it was definitely time to come home!

The main day of the fair is tomorrow, so we're looking forward to that, though the forecast has changed from hot and sunny to hot with heavy rain showers, so I hope they stay away until we get home.

My sister and her husband set off on the West Highland Way today - good luck to them!

Backblipped yesterday

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