Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Wait for me

Update: Not surprising, I'm sick this weekend. Tried to lie down with the boys but had them wrestling over me and the smell of stinky poo diaper in my face wasn't conducive to sleep.

Overheard in Reuben's therapy session waiting room, a Caucasian American mum talking to an Hispanic mum. The gist of which:

"Yes, we go to Cape Code every year and stay at the beach house. My grandparents bought a cottage there years ago and then built on the adjacent land. I just hope I inherit it (note to UK: to own property in the US you have to pay substantial taxes on a yearly basis, a system we don't have in the UK). My husband doesn't like spending more than a week there though; you know what it's like with families. How do you deal with the cultural issues. Is your husband blue collar? (doesn't wait for reply). Well, my family are all highly educated... "

Meanwhile her 1 year old daughter could be seen running out the door to the street outside. I was decidedly sick of her voice after this. Despite the high education, it appears she most certainly has not learnt the art of conversation; it's like tennis. You pass the ball, it gets hit back and so the game continues. Get the picture?

Other nuance on the same theme:

Sitting next to a couple in a restaurant on Monday. As soon as they arrived, the guy took out his cellphone. He remained on the phone during the ordering, the appetizer and the main course. He hung up when the bill came. I stood behind him at one point and gestured to the gorgeously turned out girlfriend, implying "What the hell?". The girlfriend shrugged it off, laughing with him, "You've been on the phone during..." as he proceeded to tell her all about his conversation.

Nothing to do with today's photograph of course.

Right. Best get some rest. Been a tiring week by myself save the gracious help of Reu's night nurse Jenn. Too much wrestling going on for my liking though with the boys. And so begins two nightshifts ahead with Reuben as we choose not to have help at the weekends and I'm still by myself. One less thing to do, the trach care, but the meds, formula now I've stopped using the pump, partly for environmental reasons (2 plastic bags with piping a day that can't be recycled) and breathing treatments are enough. The simple fact of getting in and out of the car, over and again each day, parking up the road at home due to the construction and putting their hands between my knees to keep the boys in place when we're out, that's tiring too. I really don't have enough energy at 41 for such little wind up toys, I mean boys. Actually, I really am extremely tired right now and seriously need a break.

PS If anyone's really good at PS and would like to help me make this one seamless picture, as if there are 3 Callum's, I'd absolutely love the help. Any takers? My skills in PS, Lr and Aperture are just way too amateur to tackle.

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