Quick Shot

My picture from Monday appeared in last night's edition of Evening Times newspaper which was nice.

Conversation last night with friends:-

No 1: Have you told Shine-A-Light your great news about Talk Radio?

No 2: Oh its fantastic news, one of the best things thats ever happened to me. I was on the Talk Radio phone-in and won a major prize. I can still hardly believe it. A trip to the World Cup. Flying out on 9th June via Gatwick to South Africa. All expenses paid. Filghts, Hotels and spending money. And tickets to the football matches. Best seats in the stadium.

And the even better news is its for myself and 4 friends.

I've already got three of my mates coming. Are you available from 9th June for the next 3 weeks.

Me: Sounds great. I could arrange things to be available,

No 2: That's brilliant. In that case would you mind putting my wheelie-bin out for me while I'm away!

o.k. - fell for it!

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