Dan Siop

By dansiop


One of those days where I haven't got a blip that represents today.

I wish I had taken a photo of the police man that turned up at my door at 11 am accusing me of not paying for my fuel at Tescos yesterday!

Cutting a long story short I had gone in to the shop and bought a few things and when I went to pay the lady asked me if I had any fuel and I said yes pump 4 (Apparently the CCTV footage shows me pointing at my car at this point). I remember the lady saying fifty something pounds and I said yes, put my card in the slot and put my pin in. Turns out she hadn't actually added the fuel on. Which means I only paid about £3 for a full tank.

Got to go pay for it tomorrow.

Nice start to they day. Anyway no photos and I just took this one now for the sake of blipping.

Something didn't seem right to ask a policeman if I could take a photo of him.

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