This day

By snapper

Repeat repeat

Today I spent the best part of 5 hours listening to an assortment of kids aged from 5 - 13 reciting prose, poetry telling stories and doing conversation with them. All that in a stiffling hot school on a blazing sunny day!

Most of the kids were a vast improvement on last year with one in particular who last year was with her overbearing mother and went into floods of tears when she entered the room. This year when I saw her coming in my heart sank and I thought God here we go again, but wait! no overbearing mother! just a quiet dad and guess what ? the wee lass was so good I gave her a third. I like it when things like that happen.

Other kids were still stuck with their angsty mothers who insisted in whispering the words of the poems to their equally angsty kids. Other kids you just know would rather be anywhere else but in that room but with pushy parents the wee souls had no choice!

If possible I do tend to support the underdog and thankfully this year.s crop of the more uppity kids were frankly not that great so I got a chance to give a few medals to the others who often get no encouragement and are treated with a little snootiness from their more intellectual peers so sorry guys it was pay back time and the others where possible won the day.

There was the odd outstanding one who I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed and this year that was mainly the boys.

Anyhows I managed to escape late afternoon and just laze away the day.
No one at home tonight, hubby on an overnight, #2 daughter on a sleepover so just me the dogs and a large Southern Comfort

Slainte mhath all bliperooes

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