too young to know what diurnal means

The past couple of weeks have gone past considerably more quickly than expected and there is now only one more sleep until I have to sleep in a manner which will allow me to wake up in time to get to work and be able to concentrate sufficiently to get to work without falling asleep and falling under a van, taxi, lorry, bus or beemer and to be able to concentrate sufficiently whilst at work in order to be permitted to remain there. Whatever the weather does tomorrow evening I'll have to make sure I get out for a run or a cycle to ensure that I'm physically tired enough to be able to get to sleep, wingpiglet-requirements-permitting, as even when I'm quite tired in the brain if I've not done much I'll not sleep much. Nicky is able to physically get to sleep much more readily but any amount of sleep-lacking tiredness I have must surely pale in comparison to hers seeing as she's the only one of us able to feed the wingpiglet when he wakes during the night requiring more than just wiping and resealing. I would be considerably better-slept if I actually deliberately tried to get to sleep rather than laying awake listening carefully to the comforting snuffles coming from the cot, freezing and looking across every time they cease for more than a couple of breathsworth or are interrupted or terminated by a cough, sneeze or weird gurgle which sounds like being sick but invariably isn't. At the moment I've only managed to induce sleepingness in the child about three times when he's had a small-hours wailing fit to the extent that he required temporary removal to a different room (away from the wall which is shared with another house (and presumably another bedroom)), though as he sometimes wails for no apparent reason other than that he's not being held by Nicky (ceasing the moment he's picked up or (more tellingly) passed over to her) the few times that I've managed to persuade him to calm down (or merely be the one holding him when he spontaneously calmed himself (or got to the point where his tiredness potential exceeded his wailing-energy levels)) have been more notable.

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