Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Bob Dog (1994 - 2010)

Bob Dog, a well-behaved, gentleman, blonde, Lhasa Apso, and adopted "son" of Rosie & Mr. Fun, died Thursday, June 3.

Bob Dog, affectionately known as Bob, Bobby, Robert, was adopted from the local animal shelter by Rosie & Mr. Fun in January 1996. It was the stormy wet rainy season and he was found lost and homeless at the intersection of Fullerton and Magnolia Streets. He was transported to the animal shelter and placed in Kennel #2. He was cold, shivering, and very scared when Rosie came to visit another dog that was awaiting adoption by Rosie & Mr. Fun's adult daughter, Deidre.

When Rosie saw Bob dog she paused, knelt down to speak to him. He licked her hand and never stopped looking her eye-to-eye. Rosie went to the office to inquire. Someone else was already first on the list to adopt him. Rosie put her name second and was told that Tuesday, January 16th, 1996, would be the release date and was given a designated time. If the first person on the list did not show-up or came late, the little blonde Lhasa Apso would be available for Rosie to adopt.

Rosie would be in Arizona on the release date. So daughter Deidre said she would be at the shelter to do the adopting. Person #1 was late. The blonde Lhasa Apso was given for adoption to Rosie & Mr. Fun via their daughter. Four days later Rosie & Mr. Fun arrived home, by then grandson Emerson had named the new adopted dog "Bob." and Bob had stayed with the larger family at Deidre's house that included "Patches" a Jack Russell terrier, and Sadie, a border collie.

Bob's date of birth was not known. His real k-9 parents were never known but it was suspected that they were both full-blooded Lhasa Apso. Bob's original human owners never claimed him at the shelter, but it was suspected that they were an older couple who trained Bob with newspapers (Bob was extremely afraid of a rolled newspaper) and was also suspected that they lived in an upstairs apartment or condo because Bob always enjoyed the upstairs patio balony at his home with Rosie & Mr. Fun.

Bob became an immediate member of the family and came home to live with Rosie & Mr. Fun when they returned from their trip to Arizona. He eventually slept on their bed, spent evenings on th sofa in the family room, and went everywhere in the car with Rosie, except to the college (because dogs are not allowed on the campus). He would also go everywhere in Mr. Fun's car when both Mr. Fun & Rosie were on the go. The past 14 1/2 years they have been a 3-some.

Bob never spoke publicly. He wouldn't even bark when the doorbell rang. He would just stand at the inside of the front door wagging his tail and waiting for someone to come into the house. Bob never won any awards, but he stole the hearts of Rosie & Mr. Fun, and when Mr. Fun would walk him down the street in Laguna Beach, all the girls would stop and ask about Bob.

A full bowl of kibble was kept on Bob's rug in the dining room and he would eat whenever he desired, which was usually when Mr. Fun & Rosie would eat. He always appreciated a few morsels from Rosie's plate. Rosie became affectionately known as "mom," even though she is not a k9.

Bob dog is survived by his adopted parents, Rosie & Mr. Fun, who are grieving more than words can explain. He is also survived by Deidre and her family and by k9 cousin Patches, but was preceded in death by k9 cousin Sadie. Also he is survived by k9 cousin Katie, a pure white Westie terrier who joined Deidre's family a couple years ago. Bob loved Deidre's backyard with the huge lawn, but did not enjoy the swimming pool, which he always avoided. Bob loved being clean, but he hated having a bath.

Several years ago Bob had gone deaf, and most recently Bob had lost the sight in his right eye. Just before his death the sight in his left eye seemed to be almost gone. He never moaned, groaned, whined, or complained. He was the best little k9 that Rosie & Mr. Fun have ever had the pleasure of sharing life with. Bob dog's photo is here.

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Thank you for all the gracious encouraging comments left in this journal. This morning we woke at 4:30 after going to bed just hours earlier after midnight. We are crying buckets. We never imagined how silent this house would become when this well behaved quiet little dog departed to never return again. He has truly been our best friend. He has given us his undivided attention and unconditional love. He has made us better people. We will miss him forever.

Today we cleaned out his shelf in the pantry of all kibble, Snausages, and dog biscuits. We've washed his beds and blankets and will mail them to my sis in Portland, Oregon, who operates a K9 Kamp and has doggy beds everywhere for all the little critters that come to stay at her house.

Heart-broken in Southern California.
Rosie & Mr. Fun, aka Carol

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