Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Linus the Tortoise

Went to help Acronymphomania unpack the groceries for dinner. Was probably gone for about ten minutes? Of course Linus took this opportunity to knock over the crates we'd put on Munro's little living area to stop the cats getting in. Linus and Lucy been having a good old sniff at it every time they're here so it was bound to happen eventually.

Came through and found him lying inside (with the crates somehow lying on top). No shame whatsoever. Also no movement when I started shrieking at him to get out. Fortunately Munro was on the other side of the vivarium when she was intruded upon so at least he didn't sit on her.... It was only when she started to make a move towards him that he suddenly realised 'oh crap, there's something else in here with me' and managed to get himself out.

Bloody daft cat.

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