One person's junk is another person's treasure....

At lunch today Katie, Luke, Nate, and I went to a good old Northern Michigan yard sale down the road. Even Karie, the station director came along stuffing in three deep in the back of Nate's broken down car with us.

There were old toaster ovens, hand me down aprons, a whole box of funny coffee cups, dog eared paperbacks, dated vases and mason jars, and old board games among many other treasures. Katie, predictably went nuts. She adores all things thrifty, hand me down, and especially Americana....and it doesn't get any more Americana than country yard sales.

....and the loot; I snatched up a 50 cent paperback I've been wanting to read, Luke scored an ancient cracked leather drinking flask, and Katie. Well Katie was just radiating homely goodness with a comely kitchen apron....just like grandma used to wear. It goes great with the "I love retirement" mug.

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