Destination... my life

By apolonia

Summer's here. Eventually.

Hot and sunny day. Perfect for weekend relax...

Got up pretty early to go shopping and then to have a quick look on th flea market. Later we went outside the city and I spent most of the day reading and sunbathing. Tried to keep my mind busy enough not to think. Not really working as I always think: remember, dream, regret, plan... Not the best quality of mind when you only want to live a current moment.

I think I owe an explanation why I am so down recenly. A very special person passed away over a week ago in a motorbike accident... And, I am here in Poland and can't really do anything to help the family who lost their son, brother, friend...

(As to my today blip - it's little blurred as we were driving while taking the picture. Is is some type of carousel, I think).

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