
By Instography


We managed to pack up tents and other camping requirements just in time to avoid everything getting a good soaking so rather than go for the planned wee walk before heading back up the road, we decided to just hit the road and drive back. It's not that far to Bellingham - about 80 miles or so - so we should have been able to do it in just under two hours, even allowing for the occasional caravan, often made worse by the extreme unwillingness of some people to overtake the caravan even when there is about a mile of clear road in plain sight and no need to speed, and therefore no need to be the least bit concerned about the speed cameras on every bit of good overtaking road on the A68. This made what should have been a quick dash up the road, a long and irritating slog.

Still, home and it's raining. Time to use the dying flowers.

Also caught up for Saturday (Wittle Wambs) and Sunday (Regurgitated mouse heads).

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