Eggcellent result
The boy done good. He is no longer allergic to egg. Quite against all expectations, he readily tried the egg, didn't react to it and pronounced it "quite nice".
Of course there is always that scary part just before they pitch you out in the street where they tell you that a late reaction can occur and to keep an eye on him for 12 hours. Which is when you think you'll maybe just sleep in the car outside the hospital and not go 20 miles away where ambulances fear to tread...
I also discovered today that he can say 'oeuf' more easily than 'egg' - so maybe his speech problems will all be solved by a move to France.
After a series of treats for Conor, we headed off to pick Katherine up from a rather rainy outdoor Brownies session. Poor thing had had her end of year trip out (to a wood) today as well - so was slightly damp. I'm sure it was summer a few days ago... hope it comes back before the blipbeachmeet in a few weeks (see forum...)
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