This day

By snapper

views to die for & food that kills!

Was up in Oban today, temperature high, the town full of wandering tourists trapsing up and down the main drag! When oh when are the Oban city fathers going to improve on a town that has basically gone to seed and is almost a dump?
They seem to think that covering everything with hanging baskets will solve the problem! There are few decent places to eat that doesnt serve up deep frozen stuff apart from Eesk (the wrongly spelt Gaelic word for fish!) there is no decent places that serves good home cooked fresh food!

Today or rather this evening the sun was shinning there was going to be a stunning sunset and the wee chocolate place which has one of the best views was closed at 5.30. to Hell with you and your sunset, we want home! there are few benches even to sit on to soak in what has to be one of the best sunset views on the West coast of Scotland.!

You drive along beautiful lochs (at least you assume they are as you cannot see them for scrubby trees) The only thing in the way that can be deemed Scottish culture is some accorionist stuck in a corner playing bloody Caledonia or Highland Catherdral!

Come on Scotland ...get a grip and use the sceanery to your advantage, open these wee cafes later on in the evening. paint some of your sad buildings, play decent music and let folks hear the Scots tounge and the Gaelic language!

Tomorrow I have to go to Dunoon, God knows what awaits the unsuspecting tourist there!

Have a good evening all

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