
By Jillybean

I've Been Feeling So Alone

Last Monday Of High School...

Just a forewarning. A lot of the pictures in the past few week have been more of friends and people as opposed to quality captures. Please bear with me as this is the end of my senior year and I'm capturing every moment with friends possible. =] Much appreciated

Today was the track Ice cream party. Lots of delicious ice cream and lovely teammates. The little underclassmen pitched in to get us seniors a lovely gift. It was incredibly sweet of them. Unfortunately I left mine in Jackies trunk but shes returning it to me tomorrow!! =]

This is Renee. My favorite little freshman. Shes adorable absolutely precious. Renee and I hurdled together this year. She's gunna be amazing and hurdler better then me and I can't wait to come back and see it.<3. Lice and I made her a little Survival book with tips on how to survive the next three years of HS without us. =D bahaha. But Imma gunna miss her most out of all the freshman next year =[. Meh.

SIDE NOTE: cause it bothers me I'd like to point out that shes not actually taller then me...it just appears to be so in this picture. Imma good inch taller then her. =]

Four more days of high school left...I'm scurred.

"Forgive your enemies but never forget their names"
-John F Kennedy

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