There comes a time in everyone's life.....
.....when they read (or have read to them), The Hobbit. Owen and mum started down that journey last week after giving up on our second attempt to read Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.....too much obscure southern vernacular, too many references to nigger and black stereotypes; he's not ready for it yet.
I muscled into the Hobbit action tonight to pick-up from page 34....I'm off to read pages 1-33 shortly.
I won a long standing argument with someone, about whom I'd been quite dismissive, today. I felt momentarily smug and superior and then I felt quite hollow....funny how victory isn't always as sweet as you expect.
Our penance for all that good weather in May continues and I sense a growing disquiet in the ranks that, yet again, our summer has lasted one month. Come on weather, gonna geez a break?
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