
By fullstop

wee flowers

it's hard adjusting to taking a pic each day, partly because the of the routine of always carrying my SLR (even on my bike), and partly because i've been told off twice for taking pics in the bbc and that's where i'm spending most of my time right now.
this was the first picture i took on my 'must blip' stroll this evening - just a banker to stave off the failing light. have fretted back an' forth over the catch, an' jus' keep returnin' to this one.
i know, i know. pretty flowers is a lame ass subject. but there's something about the softness in the image i love.

must be going soft.

and i'll have to ask jean (the resident matriarch) from downstairs who tends lovingly to the wee garden out front what they're called.

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