Comings and goings

In this case to and from the Central Library. The reality of study week.

The first blue sky day in I don't know how long. There isn't much warmth to it but relative to the last while, I'll gladly take it.

An early blip today. I'm being taken out to a theatre thingy tonight. I don't know anything about 'The Butler' (other than it's funny). I'm happy to be surprised :-)

One of the things I did during the long weekend was talk to a cousin who is a doc and embraces what some regard as 'fringe' if the science supports it. She's a gem. Last night she called me with her thoughts. By the end of the week I'll be detoxing (under the care of my GP).

Most of my elimination diet remains, a few other things go (dairy and coffee), but I might be allowed a little fruit. It may not be a magic bullet but at least I'm not stabbing in the dark, I'm using something supported by science and recommendation and it fits with my elimination diet.

In 6 weeks time if there is no change to my system I'll at know I tried and exhausted that avenue. If it helps I might find another form of management that keeps the scalpel at bay.

Off home now. Might even get in a wee jog.

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