Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Baby Led Weaning Fun

Instead of mashes and purees and the occasional rusk, Lyra is being introduced to the world of food via 'baby led weaning' - read 'really lazy, messy fun with food'.

Basically she sits up at the table and chokes on eats whatever we eat with a few exciting extras which this week have mainly consisted of fish fingers, prawn toasts and disgusting types of cheese. I don't have to make any baby food and Lyra has quickly come to love mealtimes and is desperate to get eating as soon as she realises it's that time again.

Today she slept through lunch so I fed her on her own and took the opportunity to take a few snaps. As you can see, she is not at her most attractive when she's eating but it does always make me laugh!


Near misses:
Lyra feeding broccoli to the cat
Lyra deciding what's next on the menu

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