
By Instography

More in hope than expectation

Aye, not a good day for wandering the streets, with more relentless drizzle helped along by a gusty wind. I had a walk past the site of yesterday's tables to do them again but it was only as I got closer that it occurred to me that of course they would put them away at night and not have them out at 7.30 in the a.m. Dunce. I just wandered to the office and nosed around inside to see if there was anything that might make a good photo in case that was all I was going to get today.

Went back at lunchtime after resisting the siren call of Jacob's but the tables were out for use. Ha! Fools. I took a few photos of them anyway but nothing interesting. Wandering around the galleries was good. Took a nice photo of a man having a fag on the gallery steps - almost a carbon copy of the couple having lunch. I also got a nice photo of the Balmoral from the Gardens, framed by trees and with even the wibbly roof of the Waverley market looking quite good. I'll stick that and the bloke in my folio. But in the end I liked these rain-covered tables.

Nothing else happened. Sat and juggled numbers and shuffled words all day. Amused the weans by having Ewan's new Iron Man toy dance while posing as a teapot, much to Mandy's annoyance as I was keeping them off their tea.

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