roots and wings

By rootsandwings

hidden beauty

waking up to a drizzly day slowed me down a bit this morning. but as i worked my way through the last few things on my to do list, i noticed the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. by the time I was headed home from work, the skies had cleared and the sun was out. it was a classic gorgeous northern michigan afternoon. i couldn't help but jump right in the car and make my way south, to a state park beach i keep hearing about.

the only way into the park? a few miles drive down this winding one lane road through the woods. from huge groves of aspens, through a stand of red pines, then back into the aspens. and at the end? miles of sandy beach reminiscent of sturgeon bay, all to myself. I had just enough time to stroll the shoreline and wade my warm feet into a very cold lake huron before another storm came overhead. the sky erupted in thunder, lightening, and downpour just as i drove back into town. the perfect little escape.

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