Toots in Solitude

By Toots

A Courtin'

I like to start the day by drawing back the curtains and startling the ever-increasing number of rabbits that are eating away the pretty flowers and the foundations of the shed. I once lived near a railway line and the whole railway embankment was in serious danger of collapsing, taking the rails with it, because of the industrious in-breeding and burrowing of the rabbit population. BR set to with poison.
However, this morning it was I who was startled as the opened drapes revealed this pair strutting it out on the lawn. Of course, what with the dithering to find my camera at 6.45am and the uncleaned windows (I knew I should have done that job by now), and the prey had nearly flown when I snapped the shutter. But I've decided to use this blip as the opportunity may not come again.
Art out of Doors was cancelled due to weather, but I haven't myself seen a sunnier day for weeks, well it seems weeks.

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