Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Who Cares

Still listening to Anouk, so it seems.

At the end of our final study group session we did practice giving feedback to each other. They told me some things which I hope I can treasure my whole life.
One of them told me being as overwhelmingly positive as I am makes him enjoy hanging around with me. Is there any greater compliment?
One of them said, quote: "If everybody were so optimistic as you are, anything could be possible in this world." Well, I do think that anything is possible. It only takes one person to start an avalanche.

Thinking of this, and apparently being so overwhelmingly optimistic and positive person, I love this site. For here I can tell to the world (and future self) things that makes tick each day. And, given those rare days of feeling low, I could still tell how I'm feeling and not pretending being something else.

Being genuine, that's what I like.

As a totally opposite site, I so hate facebook. Not that I don't want to know what my friends are doing (if they were using Blip, I'd definitely quit FB), it's just that there's so many those wanna-be-friends that I would not even greet if met in the streets, less recognize them. Spending the first 6 years in the same class in the elementary school do not make you my 'Friend'. Do I really want to tell them how I feel or what I am doing? Do they even care?

True friendships are maintained by other means. For true friends, we don't need FB. For true friends we need phone & our legs (to go and meet them). And for true friends I tell about my Blip journal.

True friends care. And boy do I have a bunch of them.
And I have a bunch of people I care for. Some of them I cherish a bit more than others. Speaking of which, I have back-blipped the recipient of these roses on the very day these were bought.

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