Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

She has eyes like the deil...

This is a wee corner of one of my favourite pieces of art ever. It hangs in a triptych in one of the corridors of the Scottish Parliament, where I was for a meeting today.

The three pieces are huge - floor to ceiling - panels. The artist involved women throughout Scotland in a fantastic "chain=mail" exercise - the first woman had to choose an amazing woman she knew or was inspired by, write a sentence about her, and then pass on the task to that woman to choose the next, and so on and so on... The handwritten lines - hundreds of them - were gathered and then cast in clay in this wall as a block of text, each one running into the next.

I just love, love, love it - if you actually stop and read it, the statements from women about other women they admire, from all walks of life, is just magical. Funny, powerful, sombre, uplifting, inspirational, real... There's also a fair bit of Gaelic in there too, as the exercise by its nature spread across the land organically as women wrote about others far and wide.

Actually the Parly does has some fabulous public art both inside and out. But this is my fave. Only problem is, because of where it is, you only see it when you are being escorted through the building, which then means you have to ask the security guard or assistant to stop whilst you rummage in yer handbag and whip the camera out...Ah well, at least it means there is someone else who knows about blip!

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