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A pretty rainy day here in the Pacific Northwest...but what else is new for this time of year! Actually I like it, and we all learn to adjust with it...definitely can't let the rain stop you from getting out and about. Some days, it's fun to just curl up at home with a book and watch and listen to it come down.

I made it out to just some regular things today...the gym, the grocery store, library and post office...and am home doing what I want to do...a little reading, some blipping.

Snapped this while I was watching the birds eat today...and this little guy seemed to look right at me to say thanks for filling the feeders for us (actually my husband did the other day, so thanks dear). Not only the birds have been enjoying the feed...but also the bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks...pretty cute to see them below scarfing up what the birds throw out!

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