Guest blipper
I was still feeling lousy today but had too much on for another day off work. There was a pathways class this morning that there was no chance of getting cover for.
After work it was the HND photography show at the Newhaven agency's gallery. It was a good event and I think teh students were fairly pleased with it. We even had celebrity guests. We had David Eustace and more importantly Joe Blogs, Lonely Little Petunia, Hilly and Bella.
The free wine was flowing but it was strictly soft drinks for me. Afterwards we were on to Metropolitain for chat and free Chilli.
I took several photos but at one point Albie disappeared off with my camera. He didn't get the shot he was looking for but I did particularly like the light in this one.
The subject of the shot Kat has just finished teh first year of her HND and is a bloody talented photographer too.
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