Sento Il Cuore Affogato

By LontanoDaMe

It's So Much Better When We're Together

This is my photo collage :)

The books you see are Film Directing: Shot by Shot; The Filmmaker's Handbook (AKA my BIBLE!) and Making Movies. These are all books I need for Film Camp on Sunday :). I am very excited! These books represent my hopeful future in the movie-making industry, and hopefully a lot of success :) I'm ready to work hard for a wonderful reward...

The Puka-Shell necklace represents my love for the Ocean and for Hawaii and it's preservation. I love everything about the Ocean, especially the life it shows us, and brings to us.

The Antique Ring that you can (hopefully) see, represents my love for treasured things, wether they be old or new, I love keeping things that were once dear to people or that are dear to me.

The headphones represent how much I could never ever make it through life, or even a single day for that matter, without music. Those headphones will be in my ears filling the beautiful and calming sounds of Jack Johnson's new album, To The Sea :).

And finally, the H-A-P-P-Y keychain represents how I define myself: Happy :D
I love be positive and helping people be positive, and I encourage it! Life is about happiness and love, even in those hard and dark times. But just remember, being happy can change your entire view on the world.

Be happy. Live life. Laugh. Love your friends. Peace be with you forevermore. Namaste.

Bonsoir tout le monde.

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