Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd


I'm sorry, I've tried. Honest, I really have.

Saturday morning tends to kick off with square sausage in the Delph Wynd Daily household, and this morning we had a couple of extra guests pop in for an alfresco breakfast. I like HP sauce on my square, and so does Euan. His young pal here doesn't though; it's Ketchup for him. Different strokes I suppose.

HP sauce is very much an English institution (invented in Nottingham), and tomato ketchup (developed by Henry John Heinz in Pittsburg) is very much the US's iconic equivalent. I'm by no means a fervent football supporter, but when it comes to national matches it's different and tonight at 7:30pm in Rustenburg, South Africa, HP will go head-to-head with Ketchup.

As I said at the start, I'm sorry, I've tried. I've tried to be objective about our neighbours and their part in the World Cup finals. I've tried to imagine it from their point of view if Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland were there and their team wasn't. But something still sticks in my craw whenever I think that logically we should be supporting England. Logic is beaten to a ketchupy pulp on the ground under the weight of something that seems more historically and emotionally entrenched.

So, apologies to all you fellow English blippers out there, it's nothing personal. Tonight there will be 20 million people across the United Kingdom supporting your team's endeavours, and I'm sure there will be a fair smattering of Scots in that number. But not me I'm afraid. I'll be having ketchup with my football tonight.

There, I've said it now. Better out than in.

(I will go back to the HP tomorrow though, can't stand the overpowering sugariness of tomato sauce)


On a related note, just sat and watched the South Korea v Greece match on Scottish Televison and the picture was diabolical, all blocky ad mpeg artefacty. Comparing it with the stuff just starting on BBC HD just now, it's world's apart. Anyone out there actually receiving STV in HD yet (think it's on Freeview HD and Virgin HD, but certainly not on SKY in Central Scotland yet)?

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