mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Baby still sick

Sorry for the terrible blipping at the moment and the lack of commenting. Aidan is still unwell today and is taking up all of my time and energy. On the plus side he does seem a little better this afternoon/evening.

We had a bad night with him last night which ended up with me cuddling Aidan to sleep several times just for him to wake up crying a few hours later. He's not eaten anything today, just cried when a spoon went anywhere near him even when it was fruit! He has drank his milk and we gave him an extra bottle just to make sure he's getting some sort of nutrition and hydration.

I think he is 'just' teething but I can't believe what a nightmare he is being with it. Not his fault though, I'm sure it's very painful. I know how sore it is to have wisdom teeth coming in so I can only imagine it's a similar pain. I also appreciate that when a baby is in pain they don't know that it will ever stop so they cry until it does or they fall asleep from exhaustion.

Fingers crossed for a better night tonight and that hopefully we'll make it to Water Babies in the morning (doubtful).

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