
By mar

Architecture is a visual art, ...

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.
Julia Morgan

Charlotte wasn't feeling very well today, so we decided as I was off, I'd home school her. After a morning of reading, literary and maths (which I'm still trying to figure out how she managed to add the money together so quickly but added left to right...) we decided a local history walk would be perfect (that and we needed to run some errands).

First we took the Cliff Railway, which is a system that runs essentially on the push me pull me affect and Charlotte was able to tell me loads about it. Then as we walked through the High Street, we made a game of finding architecture on the buildings. Again, Charlotte knew more. Then we went to the Castle Grounds. Now here I knew a little bit but still, Charlotte was able to tell me more about how the castle would have been like, etc.

So much for home schooling.

In the evening, Vivi and I were scheduled to go to another Chapter and Verse event, but it was canceled by the publishers. As she had a baby sitter for the kids already, we decided to make the most of it and went to Shrewsbury to find items mentioned in the talk on Shropshire Oddities we went to a week or so back.

Loved looking at different architecture, dating the buildings and working on the layout of the streets. Vivi is working on an archaeological degree and I'm just nerd but we balance each other out.

More photos here.

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