Young and old.

A lovely day today. Decided spur of the moment to go and visit Darrens Grandad today. He is still really poorly and to be honest that fact that he is still with us is a testament to his strength of character. I think we all in our hearts said goodbye the last time we saw him and for that reason I didn't make any photos of him my blip that time. But today I was so moved by this photo that I have decided to blip it.
Erin seems to have a very special bond with her great Grandad, as soon as we got there she insisted on sitting on the arm of his chair so she could be next to him and for a little girl that is a fidget she sat very still eating a magnum that he gave them both.
I love this picture, one because Erin suddenly just reached out and started stroking his face very tenderly and two beacause of the look on Grandads face it was one of the only smiles we saw. She barely left his side the whole visit and sat linking her arm in his for a while. Very tender and moving.

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