Desperately seeking

By clickychick


What a great day. The sun was shining and that makes everyone cheerful. It was a day for seeing blippers: first kanyl called in, later Chippy arrived with Ash for a cuppa during lunchtime as he often does on Saturdays, then in the early afternoon darkstranger popped into the shop and introduced herself. That was nice, I've been following her journal for a long time so it was good to actually meet her, even though I was quite busy at the time.

The next noteable thing that happened was that while I was selling a large pendant the customer said it was for an actress, "Oh!" I said, "That's nice to know." He seemed disappointed that I was keeping cool and not asking who it was for. Eventually he asked me if I ever listened to a radio programme. "No" said I, "working every day I only get an hour of Chris Evans before work"

However, The Man listens to the radio while I'm out so I jotted the name down. Oh! Yes! Very well known to The Man. Very well known on one particular programme! Musn't say who, I wouldn't want her to find out what her brother is giving her!

Today's blip is a cyclamen bud, about 15cms, I'm liking seeing things larger than life at the moment.

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