Kath's Labyrinth

By kathslabyrinth

Fantastical magical fantasy day...

Went to the ECA Degree Show today. One of my friends had an instillation. I LOVED IT! I took a million pics, which I will put up on flikr eventually... watch this space.

Then went to see Peter Pan in the afternoon. Wonderful staging and music and costumes and special effects. I left feeling quite magical.

Popped back to the ECA before closing to see the costumes. This pic is my fave dress... only coz I could see myself wearing it, and there are many more that I couldn't!

Favourite ECA thing: Lewie Wicksted or Lew Bear. Very brilliant illustrator, made me chuckle.
Favourite music to listen to on the way home from fantastic fantasy day: Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love

Got home. Watched Dr Who. It made me laugh.

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