random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Pune Mule

Had a tour of the "lounges" nearby. The places that are more like pubs than restaurants. They are actually very near, but not obvious. One is hidden behind Burger King.

Had a beer - warm. Made the bartender sieve it through ice to cool it down. Then wanted a Margharita - my companion asked if they had Triple Sec, no. So I didn't have one. Went for a Moscow Mule, then my pal said you can;t get ginger beer in India - so asked them, no ginger beer they said. how do you make a moscow mule then? No convincing answer, it tasted like lime and vodka, in this strange smirnoff pot with a lot of ice. Felt well dodgy after - but that may have been down to Robert Green's keeping.

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