No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella


Apologies, another uninspired blip again today. Lazy morning, followed by a lazy afternoon.

Took the kids down to my mum & dad's this afternoon to stay for a couple of days - my mum was due to be babysitting Monday & Tuesday while I'm at college but they've got a slater in fixing their roof & skylight windows and he's not finished, so he's coming back tomorrow. It's much easier if she looks after the kids down there, so my mum can keep an eye on the slater (he's 70, so more like in case he collapses on the job!).

So we're inadvertantly child-free for the next couple of days, how bizarre! It's very quiet!

Made this for tea tonight - baked sea bass with lemongrass & ginger - delicious! I made some fragrant rice to go alongside. A quiet evening this evening, dinner is now being washed down with a couple of Grolsches... Mmmm.... :-)

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