Zeitgeist London

By zeitgeistlondon

Princess Knickers

Saturday night saw the celebration of Will and Aaron's Civil Partnership - and what a celebration it was!

The merriment of the evening was made all the more fun by the acts that trooped on stage at various points through out the night.

We had poetry from Mark Walton, cabaret from Michel Taylor and a lovely couple of Spanish lads, Pere and Ivan, who did a strip with the Groom & Groom being dragged on stage.

And then there was the rather risque burlesque performance from Princess Knickers.

What she did with the hoover nozzle, some handkerchiefs, some breast tassels and her eponymous knickers are a little too much for Blipfoto - so you'll have to make do with this one.

Congratulations to Will and Arron and may your happiness be long lasting and wonderful.

(If you dare, the full, unedited pics can be SEEN HERE)

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