a town called E.

By Eej


Sugar has been the Mattawan Junk Yard Horse for over 30 years. The exact data on her age is a little fuzzy and varies from her being 33 to 37 years. I'm just going to go with 'old'
I didn't know about Sugar's existence until recently when we drove by the junk yard and I noticed a very skinny horse there. I was about ready to call Animal Control but the Beloved told me the horse has been there for ever, and was well cared for. In fact: there is a Facebook-page for it! (Not that that says much; there are Facebook groups for the stupidest things)

Today we drove by again and while Sugar didn't want anything to do with me (maybe I should have brought an apple) I did take some shots of her, from a distance.

From what I've been reading it seems that the horse is checked out by Animal Control on a regular basis as people will often call them and complain about the state of the animal. I know nothing about horses but I do know old age comes with many defects. I, myself discovered a new wrinkle this morning, just in time for my birthday.
So the fact that Sugar is skinny and sway-backed doesn't necessarily mean she's neglected; she is, however, very old.

This is obviously not a great picture but I do like the story of Sugar The Junk Yard Protector so I'm honouring her with a Blip :)

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