
Was gifted with another cool, overcast day. It took one shovel, two hands, three buckets, eight Advil (ibuprofen), a tarp, and steely determination. 'Sink five potted plants in a pebble bed up to their rims.' Doesn't sound hard, does it? Well, it was. I worked my tail off but it looks so nice and I just know that the dwarf papyrus plants will flourish and love it there. Of course, come November, I will have to pull them out and find a home for them indoors till next April. All that work that I will have to do again, you say?

Not so, I say. Mr. F, the genius that he is, came up with a most clever plan. Each pot is nested in another pot that will stay behind over winter. Buckets of hubby points awarded for coming up with that solution.

It is a remarkable plant, papyrus, I thought during the process. Maybe I'll research how to make paper from it. How hard can it be?

I'm a bit concerned that this, the 6th entry in my self imposed straight edge challenge, truly fits the challenge because of the edge softness creeping in. Come to think of it, yesterday's is iffy too because of the soft plant matter included. Oh dear, I better try harder.

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