The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Shrek fights Diabetes!

The parents went into Worthing today for some much needed shopping, and I tagged along as I still hadn't got a Father's Day card. And they plied me with the promise of pizza. Mmm... pizza. Whilst Mum went in for a ridiculously long Specsavers appointment, I gallivanted about with my S90 snapping candids (well some of them were candid anyway, I'm a bit rubbish).

So Shrek suddenly turned up with a young woman to elicit donations for Diabetes UK! Random. I just had to blip this. :P This shot would have looked much better if I had got Shrek's green skin in I think, but naturally I was in b&w mode and didn't have time to switch. I also cut the girl off a bit on the left so I had to do the same to Shrek in a vain attempt to balance it.

You know I shot a candid of some street performers, and shot this, and I didn't remember to donate a penny to either of them. I'm a fiend!

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