The Max Factor

By maxellis

When Pelicans attack

I was at a zoo and dinosaur park in Combe Martin, Devon, with mummy and daddy, two years ago. It's the kind of place with giant plastic dinosaurs stuck in the bushes that growl now and then, and then a bunch of scruffy sea lions that smell like cat food. I had eaten about 400 tonnes of ice cream and now I wanted to see more animals. In a large open area next to the pond, daddy saw some big fat pelicans, all full of fish. 'There you are!' he said. 'Some animals for you to annoy.' I was very pleased and danced up wiggling at them. The pelican was very big close-up and looked at me for a long time ? then he tried to eat my T-shirt. It didn't really hurt and daddy got this great picture while a real daddy was trying to rescue me. I did some great paintings and drawings of killer pelicans with lots of teeth when I got home. I just wish I had some kind of scratch on my skin to show my friends.' Zebedee Ellis (aged four).

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