Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


The promise of free beer, (for me), and free pizza and ice-cream (for The Child), dragged me back out to Talbotstown N.S. again today.

Talbotstown, as regular readers will never remember, was the site of Ho Ho Helicopter.

Never ones to conform to tradition, the kids of Talbotstown N.S. stage a Panto in June, the end of the school year.

I have seen refugee camps less crowded, both backstage and in the peanut seats....

This year, it was Cinderella, with a Boyband and X-Factor twist, lots of mis-timed dancing, elusive side-stage cues, and wardrobe malfunctions (of the most innocent kind)

As a (supposed) adult, I cannot comment on the beauty of the eponymous starlet, (as I assume that I might dislike prison food).

Her male classmates suffered no such restrictions.

And they showed it.

When transformed from Hoover bag to Gucci bag, and back on stage, one of the side stage chaps was clearly heard to say......

"Well, she's no Ugly Fuckin' Sister....."

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