Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Back to work today. Ho, hum.

To the Library at lunch time to return the three Ordnance Survey maps I had borrowed for the NE of Scotland. Thank you Library, free maps as opposed to shelling out £20+ to buy them for a couple of weeks's use.

Sad to learn though that the new do-it-yourself check-in/check-out system will be fully operational by Wednesday. I have not used it, on a personal principle, so far as I assumed jobs were to be lost to machines, again. But I was assured that the staff would still "be there" though not in the same capacity obviously.

A shame though. It was always therapeutic for me to step inside those doors and into the dust motes floating in the sunbeam laden air of our cool and shadowy Library. I hope the progress is not too remarkable. I saw some elderly people looking very perplexed, and this is their Library after all. Use it, or lose it. But if you are too frightened to use it ........ ?

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