That's What I go to School For, Even though It is
Once, a couple of years ago, my mother was giving my son advice on studying. "Your mum used to play music really loud, that was how she studied, she'd go upstairs to her room, and the music would go on and that was how she studied".
Hmm. Obviously my mother never dropped in on me when I was "studying". Playing music loud, yes! studying, fraid not.
Boy has the same problem as me. Sitting in front of books, and planning a course of action is not for him. If he knows, it, he knows it, if he likes it, he'll have picked it up immediately. If he didn't like it, pretty sure he wouldn't have been paying attention and wouldn't know it.
Tooli is a different kettle of fish. Tooli has her life planned out. The end game changes every so often Scientist / Doctor / Sports Physician / Teacher, but the path to get there is always the same. This is her bed. There are things on that screen that aren't BEBO or FACEBOOK, and they are words I don't understand.
She has passed me in my Scholarly knowledge. I can only look blankly at her when she proffers me a problem in Maths. Although last week, after reading me a question which took her about 3 minutes to ask, I said, without pause 3, 7. There was a silence at the end of the phone. I knew from the pause, she was confused and stunned that I had provided an answer. "I'm joking Tool". I really am. I think she was hurt that I might have actually got the answer when she was struggling.
Don't get me wrong, Education is great, and I did okay, but not down to studying. I was blessed with almost photographic memory. If I was there, and it was discussed I remember it. It's the same silly memory which means I can walk up to people I last seen 30 years ago, and know them, and they look completely blankly at me.
That is how I got my Ordinary, Highers, Degree and believe it or not Post Graduate. I think I give off an air of complete daftness and then people are astonished that I can be like that but then when it comes down to the serious stuff, I can actually produce.
My greatest achievement in Education. I lectured a class of "Access" students in Economics. All Maggie Haters, because Maggie cost them their jobs which led to them re-training and re-educating. I taught them the technicalities and posing and posturing of politics. I made them all debate causes they didn't believe in, so that other people would vote for them.
At the end of the year 5 of my 10 adults went to do a degree, and they were no longer Maggie haters! They loathed all politicians, because they realised they all say they same thing, just in a different coating!
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