Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Gentle giant

Met a very beautiful and extremely large dog today.

Akkie is an 18-month-old American Bulldog-Rottweiler cross. He weighs about 150 lbs and hasn't finished growing yet. He and his owner look like they spend a lot of time on the street, though I didn't want to be nosy and ask if they were actually homeless. His owner, a soft-spoken man who was busy hand-rolling a cigarette, was clearly devoted to his dog and said he enjoyed being patted. An understatement. As soon as I gave Akkie a few cautious pats on the head, he rolled over and demanded to have his tummy scratched. He enjoyed every single moment, and so did I.

My first blip was of a homeless pitbull named Coco. When we walk past the homeless on the street, we usually avert our eyes and pretend they're not there. We forget they're people just like you and me, with a very human need for companionship - a need that is often filled by their pets, because most of us are too indifferent or too scared to stop and talk to them.

Next time you see a homeless man with his dog, consider stopping to say hello. It could make your day.

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