Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

A Morning Well Spent

Well as you may have noticed (if not where are you?) the World Cup is upon us!!!!

we have been decorating our desks at work and killing countless rainforsts (ahem we are meant to be a paperless office!)

someone made a footie pitch on top of the cupboard between my team (france) and the next team up (japan) then someone had the idea to add footie players, so we cut them out of white card (well its not really paper!)

we only made about 4 to start will then this morning we had no sytems so me and another girl on my team finished making the players and colouring them in, we had a bit of a dispute as both teams play in Blue and away kits are white, so we made an executive decision to both me blue France Sharpie marker blue and Japan Highlighter blue (we didn't bother consulting the people of team japan) and i quite like the effect people keep saying we should have done the backs as well but as soon as the systems came back on we had to do some real work booooooo!!!

so my blip is on theJapan team i coloured in! :)

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