Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


We drove north a few miles to Victoria Gardens late this afternoon to visit the Mac Store so that we could touch and play with an iPad.

We purchased our iPhones last August, so we have been in the store numerous times and honestly, we have never seen the place when it wasn't crowded and noisy. There is never a lack of "customers." Well, can we be called customers if we were just there to play? I guess that would make us pre-customers.

This Wednesday I will be attending a workshop "Using the iPad in Education." I think it will be informative and interesting.

The thermometer climbed to 88 degrees F today. It felt much hotter than that and I am so glad we didn't have this heat last Thursday during graduation.

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.
Good night from a warm Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Today was quite difficult. Wendy, the gal who helps me clean this place, was here for the first time in a month, so we had to tell her about Bob dog. Wendy has her own horse and raises lots of animals and she was always so good to Bob. So my roller-coaster seemed to take nothing but nose-dives today. Sigh!

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