
By Instography

The thing in the basement

I didn't get close enough to find out.

No tumbles or stumbles today although I did manage to miss my bus again but instead of heading back indoors for more coffee I had a nice walk in the sunshine to the field just at the top of the hill into the village to take some photos of the wheat field dotted with poppies. Nice but I'll just file them away. I can't do pretty two days in a row. Jeez that would be a bit soft. But it did mean that I just had to grab my coffee and head into work. No wandering through town today.

But I had to head home again at lunchtime. There's a wee bit of work I need to do that needs a bit of software that the IT guys just haven't managed to get working on the office PC. I think it's actually a bit crappy (it's written by Statistics Belgium not that there's anything inherently crappy about Belgium or even Belgian statisticians. I just mean it's a bit unconventional in its programming) and trying to write somewhere that ordinary mortals don't usually have permission to write.

Anyway, I need to do it at home so I drew this from the bank on the way to the station. It's round the corner from the very nice Chinese restaurant on William Street. If you make it large the writing will look a little more creepy.

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