Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Modern World

Went for a small boat trip around Helsinki with my colleagues. We saw this beauty on her way somewhere, Svanhild is her name. We had a new fancy 28feet motor boat (one of those I dislike very much) with 350hp diesel engine. Supposedly also V8, not that I understand anything about engines. Seeing these people sailing on the beauty made me feel a bit jealous - it would be a totally different story to spend a day with such a ship rather than on one of those monsters we were in.

Makes me think how thing were differently in the old days. And is there any means for us to really get a grip what it was like back then. Not having the roaring beasts moving us forward. Not having electricity to spoil the evening sky with all the road lamps and such.

Heading to a summer cottage does bring a sort of a taste of it. At least to some Finns. Living in a summer cottage with no electricity or gas and thus no refrigerator makes me think how different the things were earlier. Yet we wouldn't necessarily notice it, except for the unpleasant fact that we have to go to a grocery store more often.

Nowadays our summer cottage has electricity, running water with all the toppings. Yet, we're still being extra careful not to excessively use the electricity, as it all comes from our solar panels and wind turbines.

Having all these comfortableness does not change the fact that the most enjoyable moments are the dark nights when our only light is candle light and possibly fire burning in the fire place listening to the sound of the nature.

And the worst thing of all. We have a wireless LAN nowadays in our summer cottage. Well, at least I can blip also during weekends then - there's always something good.

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