This day

By snapper

Another loooong day

Very productive workwise
Have been wanting to get a wee something for one of my workmates as he has been a rock and a friend for the past number of years especially when my parents died last year.
So I snuck into Jessops photography shop and bought him a gift voucher left it in the shop and texted him to go and pick something up I had forgotten . In the meantime I went for food as I was starving.

After a bit, he phoned and asked where I was, I said I was eating and he tracked me down and said "you should not have done this" but was smilng from ear to ear. I said that two years ago someone did the same thing to me and when I said to her it was too much she replied "the pleasure was in the giving and seeing my face" the same applied to him I said." Now go and buy that lens you have been lusting after"

Finally got home at 11pm so the end to a perfect day

Good night all blipperoos

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